Datganiad i’r Wasg

Gorff 23, 2024 | Uncategorized @cy | 0 comments

(English below)

Menter Iaith Conwy yn torri tir newydd wrth ymateb i her argyfwng tai cadarnleoedd Cymraeg

Llun o Benmachno o (Wikipedia)

Mynd i’r afael ag argyfwng tai yng nghadarnleoedd y Gymraeg yw nod cynllun arloesol newydd gan Fenter Iaith Conwy.

Y cam cyntaf fydd cyflogi swyddog a fydd yn canolbwyntio’n benodol ar ardal Penmachno yn nyffryn Conwy.

Mae’r swydd, a gaiff ei hariannu gan Barc Cenedlaethol Eryri, ac a fydd yn parhau am ddwy flynedd i ddechrau, eisoes wedi ei hysbysebu a’r gobaith yw penodi yn ystod y mis nesaf.

“Cafodd y Cynllun ei sbarduno gan yr argyfwng tai sy’n taro ardaloedd ar hyd a lled y Gymru wledig gan danseilio cymunedau allweddol a dyfodol y Gymraeg,” meddai Meirion Davies, Prif Weithredwr Menter Iaith Conwy;

“Yn wyneb argyfwng o’r fath ein teimlad oedd bod yn rhaid i’r mentrau iaith ymestyn allan y tu hwnt i weithgarwch arferol hyrwyddo’r Gymraeg. Er mor bwysig parhau â gwahanol weithgareddau diwylliannol a chymdeithasol i annog pobl i ddefnyddio’u Cymraeg, mae hefyd angen cymryd camau ymarferol i amddiffyn y seilwaith economaidd a chymdeithasol sy’n cynnal cymunedau Cymraeg”

“Mi wnaethon ni ddewis ardal Penmachno fel man cychwyn gan fod yr ardal wedi cael ei tharo’n arbennig o ddrwg gan brynwyr ail gartrefi a thai gwyliau. Yn ôl arolwg defnydd tai, mae mwy na thraean – 36% – o dai yr ardal naill ai’n wag neu’n dai gwyliau, a phobl ifanc lleol yn methu â fforddio cartref.”

“Mae hefyd yn ardal lle’r ydym wedi bod yn weithgar fel menter, ar ôl sefydlu Pwyllgor Hwb y Llan ers rhai blynyddoedd, ac maen nhw wedi bod yn llwyddiannus iawn wrth greu bwrlwm yn y pentref ac adfywio adeilad yr Hen Ysgol.”

“Ein gobaith bellach, mewn partneriaeth â’r Cyngor Cymuned, ydi ceisio mynd i’r afael â’r broblem sy’n bygwth tanseilio’n holl waith.

“Rydym yn ffodus iawn fod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri wedi cyllido’r cynllun yma am 2 flynedd i ddechrau, ac rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn iddyn nhw am eu cefnogaeth.”

Meddai Elliw Owen, Pennaeth Polisi Cynllunio Awdrudod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri:

“Rydym yn hynod falch o allu cefnogi’r cynllun arloesol yma i geisio ymateb i’r her argyfwng tai ym Mro Machno. Gall cynlluniau o’r fath fod yn arf allweddol i sicrhau dyfodol iaith a diwylliant ein cymunedau, a hyfywdra economi wledig Eryri”.

Bydd prif gyfrifoldebau’r swydd yn cynnwys:

·        Ymgynghori pellach â chymuned Penmachno

·        Chwilio am eiddo addas i’w perchnogi a’i osod i bobl leol

·        Cydweithio gyda Chymdeithas Tai Gwynedd i hyrwyddo eu heiddo ym Mhenmacho

·        Paratoi ceisiadau am arian grantiau

·        Edrych ar gynlluniau codi rhandaliadau’n lleol i ariannu pryniant

·        Edrych ar gynlluniau Benthyg yn Lleol i ariannu pryniant

·        Arwain ar sefydlu grŵp a allai weithredu cynlluniau’n effeithiol.

·        Gweithio gyda galluogwyr tai gwledig i ganfod anghenion tai fforddiadwy o fewn cymunedau.

“Mae’n swydd sy’n llawn her a phosibiliadau i unrhyw un sydd â syniadau blaengar ac sy’n gallu trefnu gwaith yn anibynnol heb gyfarwyddyd uniongyrchol yn ogystal a gweithio efo’r gymuned,” meddai Meirion.

“Mae croeso i unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb gysylltu efo fi ar meirion@miconwy.cymru am ragor o wybodaeth.”


Menter Iaith Conwy breaks new ground while responding to the housing crisis challenge in Welsh language strongholds

 Tackling the housing crisis in the strongholds of the Welsh language is the aim of a new innovative scheme by Menter Iaith Conwy.

The first step will be to employ an officer who will focus specifically on the Penmachno area in Dyffryn Conwy.

 The post, which will be funded by the Eryri National Park, and will continue for two years initially, has already been advertised and it is hoped that the post holder will be appointed during the next month.

“The Scheme was triggered by the housing crisis which is hitting areas all over rural Wales undermining key communities and the future of the Welsh language”; said Meirion Davies, Chief Executive of Menter Iaith Conwy.”

“In the face of such a crisis, we felt that the mentrau iaith must extend beyond their usual activity of promoting the Welsh language. Although it is vitally important to continue with different cultural and social activities to encourage people to use their Welsh, it is also necessary to take practical steps to protect the economic and social infrastructure that supports Welsh communities.”

“We chose the Penmachno area as a starting point as the area has been hit particularly hard by buyers of second homes and holiday homes. According to a housing use survey, more than a third – 36% – of the houses in the area are either empty or holiday homes, and local young people are unable to afford a house”

“It is also an area where we have been active as an initiative, having established the Hwb y Llan Committee for a few years, and they have been very successful in creating a buzz in the village and reviving the Old School building.”

“Our hope now, in partnership with the Community Council, is to try to tackle the problem that threatens to undermine all our work.”

“We are very fortunate that Eryri National Park has funded this scheme for 2 years to begin with, and we are very grateful to them for their support”

Elliw Owen, the Park Authority’s Head of Planning Policy said:

“We’re very pleased to be able to support this innovative scheme aimed at resolving the housing crisis in Bro Machno.  Such schemes may prove to be a vital tool in the safeguarding of the language and culture of our communities, as well as the viability of Eryri’s rural economy”.

The main responsibilities of the post will include:

•Further consultation with the Penmachno community

• Search for suitable property to buy and let to local people

• Collaborate with Tai Gwynedd to promote their property in Penmachno

• Prepare applications for grant money

• Look at plans to raise shares locally to finance a purchase

• Look at Local Borrowing plans to finance a purchase

• Lead the establishment of a group that could implement plans effectively.

• Work with rural housing enablers to identify affordable housing needs within communities.

“The post is full of challenges and possibilities for anyone that has progressive ideas and who can organize work independently without direct instruction as well as work with the community” said Meirion.

“Anyone who is interested is welcome to contact me on meirion@miconwy.cymru for more information.”

Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â / For more information contact

Meirion Ll Davies meirion@miconwy.cymru 01492 642357

(English Below)

Corff Sirol sydd yn hyrwyddo a chryfhau’r Gymraeg yn y gymuned yw Menter Iaith Conwy. Mae’n rhan o rhwydwaith cenedlaethol y Mentrau Iaith.

Menter Iaith Conwy is a County organization that promotes and strengthens the Welsh Language in the community. It is a part of the national network of Mentrau Iaith.

01492 642357 miconwy.cymru Cwmni Cofrestredig Rhif: 5504677

 Cyfle gwych i gwpwl neu deulu rentu tŷ ym Mhenmachno am bris rhesymol. Manylion cyswllt ar yr hysbyseb.